Most often, the solution to this problem involved psychotherapists and psychologists. After all, the main reason for sexual dysfunction girls are psycho-emotional disorders.
What is female impotence and its manifestations
Before we talk about the main cause of this disease is to find out the symptoms of cold. Women's impotence, according to some experts, is to be interpreted as coldness. Obviously, sexual behavior. So, the main symptoms of the problem are the following symptoms:

- Lack of arousal during intercourse;
- Libido;
- Lack of pleasure from sexual intercourse;
- Lack of orgasm;
- Pain during sex;
- Lack of sexual need.
Impotence in women may be due to the rapid onset of orgasm. But such phenomena are extremely rare. Some women confuse orgasm, impotence. They are two completely different diseases. In the first case, the girl seemed to want sexual intimacy, arousal. During intercourse the girl can get some pleasure. Bright, but orgasm does not occur. Impotence or frigidity also characterized by the absence of even the need for intimacy, excitement.
Very common symptoms of cold are the symptoms of vaginismus. Some experts have vaginismus and female sexual impotence a term synonymous with. What is vaginismus? The disease manifests itself in spasmodic involuntary contractions of vaginal muscles and pelvic floor. Data reduction in women leads to severe pain during sex. Sometimes sexual relations in this case completely impossible. Almost always, when one has been detected with infertility couples due to severe spasms.
It should be noted that vaginismus, as a rule, a woman experiences sexual attraction and desire. But to experience any pleasure is not likely. It hits hard self-esteem is not only women, but also men. Starts other problems in the relationship. It is therefore very important that a woman does not conceal the problem, and quickly contact your doctor. The pain can be easily solved by applying only a little effort.
Causes of female impotence
Recently, many experts have argued that the reason cold is the woman herself. Unlike men, sexy girls can not affect the psychological problem, the external stop of your social status. In fact physiologically a woman is always ready for sex. But it is not. Researchers have shown that psychological reasons are the main problem in women. Also, don't forget, and about some of the physiological abnormalities that lead to impotence and full of feminine frigidity.
Psychological causes
For women, the big role is played by psychological relaxation during the sexual contact. Only in this case, the girl had the opportunity to experience the full pleasure of intimacy, orgasm. Therefore, the strong effect of sexual activity offers the daily stress. Experiencing psychological exhaustion women lose libido. Also, the development of of impotence is influenced by the following factors:
- The differences in the family;
- Mental and physical fatigue;
- Depression;
- Insomnia;
- Long-term abstinence from sexual intercourse;
- The discomfort of the environment;
- Dissatisfaction with the sexual partner;
- Fears.
Also, related to women's impotence training girls. It is reported that less educated women, often complain of sexual dysfunction, and educated. Low education level leads to a loss of libido, orgasm. There is a big role, and marital status. Married girls often experience sexual dysfunction, impotence. The lack of a regular sexual partner can cause a malfunction. This is especially true of widows and divorced women.

Social status is important for both men and women. It provokes the lowering and the reduction in sexual activity, women impotence. Also, experts have shown that the earlier a girl begins sexual activity, the more he is exposed to sexual disorders. It can only be the voluntary entry into sexual intimacy, but also violence, relationship problems with partner.
Physiological causes
Break the harmony of the sexual life to a variety of diseases and ailments. Like men, women play an important role in the cardiovascular system. It is also important to infectious diseases of the genitourinary system. Candidiasis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea leads to decreased libido, what happened, cause impotence.
In addition to the physiological causes of male impotence are:
- Diabetes mellitus;
- Frequent headaches;
- Surgery in the pelvic area;
- Inflammation of the joints;
- Endometriosis;
- Polycystic ovarian disease;
- Malformations of the genitals;
- Disorders neurology;
- Hypothyroidism;
- Hormonal failure.
How to treat female impotence?
First, treatment of female impotence you need to change your way of life. Above all, this applies to dealing with all sorts of stress and conflict. We need to create the psycho-emotional background. Because psychological stress and fatigue, sexual activity girls to restore itself.
To reduce pain during sex by improving blood circulation, helps to regular exercise. When this happens, strengthen the muscular corset of the whole body. A woman can relax during intimacy, thereby reducing the spasms of the vaginal muscles. If the cause of impotence became hormonal disorders, gynecologist or endocrinologist to appoint hormone therapy of various drugs. Depending on the case, violations of certain hormones.
It could be drugs, to reduce testosterone levels and to raise levels of progesterone in a woman's body. For these purposes, the drug most commonly used Proginova. It increases the level of female sex hormones, which leads automatically to increase the libido. Impotence treatment is very important to visit not only the gynecologist, and sex therapist and a psychologist. Only such a holistic approach can get rid of the problem once and for all.
In addition, there are a large number of the advice of traditional medicine for the treatment of frigidity in women. They not only help, but also eliminate inflammation, restore the central nervous system. So, I invite you to prepare a decoction and take them inside the following herbs:
- Calendula;
- Chamomile;
- Nettle;
- Wild rose;
- Schisandra;
- Celery;
- Lavender;
- Hawthorn.